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My top 10 tools and services for teaching and learning

My top 10 social web tools and services are:

  1. Blogger (Blogging)
  2. Wikispaces (Collaborative Writing)
  3. Twitter (Microblogging)
  4. Delicious (Social Bookmarking)
  5. GoogleDocs (Collaborative Writing)
  6. WordPress (Blogging)
  7. Mindmeister (Collaborative Idea Development)
  8. Facebook (Social Networking)
  9. Dropbox (File Sharing)
  10. Flickr (File Sharing)

Find more about Social Web in Education at the SOWEBEDU-Wiki.
You are welcome to join the community!

If you want to Share your top 10 tools to help build the top 100 tools for learining 2011 go to C4LPT. Here you find the emerging Top 100 tools for learning 2011 list.

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10 social media tools for learning

I found an interesting blogpost at the eLearning coach weblog about ten social media tools for learning. Each tool –mentioned below– fulfills one of the following criteria (alphabetical listing)

  • encourages collaboration;
  • enables user-generated content or input;
  • provides a way to share;
  • and facilitates informal or formal learning.

10 Social Media Tools for Learning

  1. Audacity (free downloadable software for creating podcasts)
  2. Dimdim (interactive webinars and live presetnations)
  3. Edublogs Campus (blog service)
  4. Elgg (social networking engine and publishing platform)
  5. Google Collaboration Tools (collaborative resouses and tools)
  6. Mindmeister (tool for creating mind maps collaboratively)
  7. TalkShoe (free web-based service to create, join or listen to live interactive presentations)
  8. VoiceThread (multimedia presentation tool)
  9. Wikispaces (wiki service)
  10. Yammer (microblogging service)
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Foliensatz zur Präsentation “Social Web in Lehre und Forschung”

Am 19.01.11 führten wir eine Informations-Veranstaltung zum Thema „Social Web in Lehre und Forschung“ durch. Die Veranstaltung war sehr gut besucht und es wurden interessante Diskussionen geführt. U.a. wurde über Copyright gesprochen, aber auch Open Educational Resources (OER) und Open Eduactional Content (OEC) waren in diesem Zusammenhang Thema.

Foliensatz: “Social Web in Lehre und Forschung”.